In our profile today we outlined three layer of concern.
From top to bottom:
- 35-56 cm: a hard and coherent slab. It might be difficult for the new snow to bind with this layer due to its smooth surface.
- 56 cm: thin layer of faceted crystals, which is directly underneath the slab. We got CT24RP and CT14SP down 56. More tests are needed to determine if the layer is wide spread and how it reacts under additional stress.
- 90 cm: It appears that the graupel layer form 04/02 is wide spread as we keep encountering it. It is reactive with CT25 SC down 89 cm. It might cause poor stability in areas where we have thin snowpack around trigger points or if new load is applied due to snow fall or wind loading.
No obvious instability signs were observed today. The face was skied a few times during the day. The conditions were 10-20 cm of new snow on top of the hard slab.